Coming Into Your Own

A program for women to confidently navigate uncertainty, have a bigger impact, and feel fulfilled
at work

Tell me more!
Are you trying to find your place and voice amidst changes at work?

Is your confidence diminished because there's so much uncertainty that you don't know what's right or what's next for you?

Are you working a ton but lack job satisfaction?
Do you spend too much time trying to get people to respond, follow through, or do a little extra?
Do you end up doing more than you should so things are done right and on time?
Are you running from one thing to the next with no time to think strategically?
Are you tired of being tired?


For more than 20 years, I've worked with women in all levels of management...
across 4 continents, and in public, private, startup, and non-profit organizations...
and everywhere I’ve seen the same thing:

Women want to have a bigger impact...
but spend too much time responding to changes, navigting uncertainties, and managing issues that prevent progress.

This is why I created Coming Into Your Own - 

for women to gain new skills that will dramatically increase their abilities
to positively impact people, projects, and goals.

Program Outline

PART 1: Reset & Find a Different Approach

  • Clarify your goals and the issues that are hindering your progress. 
  • Reflect on your strengths and how you can build on them to break through your current challenges. 
  • Create your own Mega-Impact Mindset that’s unique to you, will give you new pathways to achieve your goals and boost your confidence. 

PART 2: Develop Remarkable, Reliable Relationships & Compelling Communications

  • Build and nurture great relationships that will make work easier and more enjoyable
  • Learn a new communication method that improves collaboration and  responsiveness. 
  • Gain buy-in from key stakeholders to hear your ideas and understand your vision.

PART 3: Have a Lasting Impact

  • Increase the reliability of others' work and give feedback that enhances their confidence and productivity.
  • Tap into your natural inspiration so you can consistently inspire others.
  • Discover new ways to be kind to yourself... because you can't pour from an empty cup.


LISA, Executive Director - AGMA

"Before I get to a formal recommendation, what I have to say unequivocally is the most wonderful thing about Renee is the level of comfort and warmth you feel working together. Like chatting with an old friend over a cup of coffee.... she made each one of my Board members feel heard, respected, and comfortable, which made me feel amazing! Everyone was instantly at ease, which is priceless. Now onto my formal recommendation. 

Renee worked with me and my Board of Directors to develop our strategic plan. She was thoughtful and practical in her approach given our time constraints. Renee helped everyone to authentically be on the same page with where we wanted to take the organization and the timing of different objectives. It was also during this time that I took Renee's women's leadership program in which I learned a lot about communicating with different and strong personalities, and how to more effectively lead meetings with our Board and other key stakeholders."


Danielle W., Manager, Consulting Company

Renee coached me during one of the most vulnerable times in my career – my transition into a leadership role for the first time. In working with her, I became less afraid of my areas of growth and created actionable plans to overcome challenges I faced in my new position. I never would have had the leadership growth that I experienced if it wasn’t for Renee and her stellar coaching.



KIM, Executive Director of Marketing - Retail

"I thoroughly enjoyed participating in Renee's leadership program for women. It was a great opportunity to invest time in my own personal development. The curriculum was engaging and goal oriented which led to clear understanding of progress. Also, the small group sessions were invaluable, as talking through challenges with other female leaders often led to a clear, actionable path forward."

KAREN, Attorney and Law Firm Partner

"Coming Into Your Own provided a forum for me to explore my own leadership and to be deliberate about the leader I want to be. I was inspired and energized to take what I learned and implement practices in my law firm to lead with purpose, which had positive and tangible results. I highly recommend this program!"


Nancy, Director of Forecasting and Analytics - Healthcare

"Coming Into Your Own pushed me to contemplate the key questions: What type of leader do I want to be and how can I practice and evolve into this leader? The structured discussions allowed me to delve into the multiple aspects of good leadership, and as a working mom, where time is limited, this workshop fit easily into my schedule."

CAROLYN, Associate General Council - Healthcare

"Renee is an amazing coach and facilitator. Her ability to offer practical and actionable insights to deal with issues you are facing in your professional life, weather dealing with coworkers, superiors, or your direct reports, is unparalleled. She helped me find my professional voice and improve my ability to communicate in a way that those around me can truly hear. Renee is also masterful of bringing together groups of women from very different backgrounds and experiences and helping them to have productive conversations and truly support each other. The support, encouragement, and guidance that I received while participating in Coming Into Your Own helped me to make a major career change that I knew I wanted to make for so long but was afraid to act on. Anyone who is looking to grow professionally and personally and drive more impact at work should work with Renee."


KERI, Entrepreneur

"I did this course while facing a complete career transition after spending about 13 years out of work to raise my 3 kids. Coming Into Your Own really helped me get into a leadership state of mind, and it renewed and refreshed my confidence and trust in myself, my knowledge, and my abilities."

Hi! I’m Renee.

For more than 20 years, I’ve worked with women to confidently manage uncertainty and change, have a bigger impact, and find fulfillment at work.

I’ve also led my own teams - and navigated all the office politics and people dynamics. 

My experiences give me first-hand knowledge and appreciation of what it takes to have an impact.

I firmly believe that anyone can contribute in all the ways they want to - if they're willing to learn and practice new skills.

Coming Into Your Own is packed full of skills that I've taught others and used myself to increase effectiveness - in ways that are practical, sustainable, noticeable, and respectful of your time. 



Learn how to more effectively contribute - to others and the overall business - and dramatically increase your impact.
How It Works: 
 A pre-program clarity call,
7 online modules, 
Individual coaching session(s), 
Access to our group coaching with like-minded women leaders 


This program is power-packed with essential leadership concepts and practical applications, but if you feel otherwise, I'll be happy to give you a refund. All requests for refunds must be made WITHIN 10 DAYS from when the first module is made available to you. By registering for Renee Pollins Coaching LLC's COMING INTO YOUR OWN, you agree to our Terms and Conditions.

Common FAQ's:

Q: What assignments will I have?

A: There may be a few, brief assignments but for the most part, the only assignments are to practice your new skills within your normal day-to-day interactions.

Q: How much time do I have to complete the modules?

A: That's up to you... women usually do around a module a week but you'll have access to all the modules when you register. That said, I recommend completing all the modules within 3 months so you can reap the benefits sooner than later.


Q: What is the time requirement?

A: Each module is approximately 30 minutes. Group coaching and individual coaching sessions are 1 hour.

Q: What are the benefits of the group coaching sessions?

A: The #1 benefit women tell me is that it's a safe space to connect with like-minded women where we celebrate one another's successes and solve real-time issues. 

Q: Are the group coaching sessions recorded?

A: No because we want to keep it a safe space so confidentiality is essential. 


Discover how you can contribute more
- in all the ways you want to -
and have a bigger impact.

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