The Secret Sauce Awesomeness of Gratitude


We just wrapped up our Thanksgiving holiday here in the States which naturally has me thinking about being thankful and the practice of gratitude.

If you’re someone with big goals and maybe a little ambitious, and maybe stressed out from time to time, read on. There’s some super cool stuff to know about gratitude, but before I tell you that, you should know where I’m coming from about it. I haven’t always been a pro-gratitude person. It’s just been in these past few years that I’ve had a gratitude practice and I can honestly say it’s a life changer. It’s a life changer in one of those subtle but can-definitely-feel-it kind of ways.

This is after years of telling myself, “I should do this gratitude thing. I should keep a gratitude journal.” I’d see posts on social media like:

-          If you only say one prayer, make it a thank you (Rumi)

-          Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough (Oprah)

-          Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough (author, Melody Beattie)

And then I’d think You’ve got to be kidding me… there’s no effing way. This whole gratitude thing sounds nice but let’s be real. Life doesn’t work that way. Besides, if I’m only saying Thank You when I pray, what about all the help I need? …If I’m really content with what I have, I’ll become this relaxed, zen, Type B personality, which sounds great but what about the things I want in life that I’m going for? What about my ambition and my drive? I like being ambitious and driven. A lot of good things in life have happened because I’m this way.  

Then, about 4 years ago, I left a long career; I hit the pause button to get centered and decide what was next. For the first time in maybe ever, I had no deadlines. There was no drive or ambition to be had – because there was nothing specific I was going for. I was on pause. So with nothing to lose, I figured I’d try out this gratitude thing. After a while of a few minutes each day, I could feel a subtle shift in my outlook and in my fundamental experience in life.

And by the way, it didn’t displace my drive and ambition, not one bit. It did however reduce my feelings of stress, worry, pressure and anxiety while I’m driving towards my goals.

Here are a few cool things to know about practicing gratitude:

  1. It changes the brain: It keeps the brain’s gray matter functioning; it activates multiple parts of your brain; it boosts serotonin and activates dopamine.
    Both serotonin and dopamine help with learning and memory. Dopamine is associated with pleasure and our motor functions. Serotonin helps to regulate mood, body temperature, appetite and sleep.
  2. There have been numerous studies in the last 20 years and in general, they say that gratitude reduces stress, resentment, and comparing ourselves to others. Gratitude increases happiness, self-esteem, empathy and resilience.

If you’ve been curious about Gratitude and want to try it out, how do you get started?

  1. My recommendation: don’t just try it out for a day or two. I mean, you could - you’ll definitely get some benefits and it’s better than nothing. Better if you commit to it for a week or 2. I mean, you can do anything for 2 weeks, right?
  2. Set a daily timer that will remind you to press pause and think of things you’re grateful for.
  3. If you’re out driving, you could practice being grateful while you wait at a stoplight.
  4. Keep a daily gratitude journal.
  5. Show appreciation: thank someone for something they did recently or even a long time ago.

Personally, I start most of my days with silently listing things I’m grateful for… whatever is top of mind. Most days I can get on a role. And honestly, some days it doesn’t come as easily… but this is why it’s a practice. The more you practice, the more easily and readily you can do something – but it doesn’t mean it’s perfect or a full-on habit. It’s a practice.

Try out a few different ways of being grateful, find what works for you, and go with it.


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